Upcoming Events

Santa's Workshop
Santa's Workshop is returning this year. The feedback from last year was amazing to say the least with parents brimming full of compliments stating that they cannot wait for Santa to visit us again!
If you'd like to come visit Santa this Christmas please send an email to: ogdenottersmanagers@outlook.com and a member of staff will be in contact.
Reception Opening Hours
0900 - 2030 Mon-Tues,
0900 - 2100 Weds - Thurs,
0830 - 2000 Fri,
0800 - 1700 Sat,
0800 - 1600 Sun.
To book your child in for lessons please call us to arrange an assessment session.
Aquacise classes run Monday to Friday and run for an hour. For times go to: https://www.ogdenotters.co.uk/aquacise-classes Please call 01422247500 to book and for more details